Sponsor this Page Logo

Amplify Your Brand with Targeted Sponsorships

Find the Best Page to Highlight Your Business

Current Offerings

7 Minutes in Hell

Category: Fitness

Description: 7 minute high intensity interval training workout session that will punish you! Any device, anywhere, always free

Visitors per month: 0
Duration: 6 Months


Category: Fitness

Description: 7 minute high intensity interval training workout session. Any device, anywhere, always free

Visitors per month: 10
Duration: 1 Month


Category: Business

Description: A place where page owners can post sponsorship availability

Visitors per month: 0
Duration: 1 Month


Category: Fitness

Description: Hiking Blog

Visitors per month: 30
Duration: 1 Month

Create Your Listing

Want to attract sponsors to your site? Create a listing for just $4!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Sponsor This Page?

Sponsor This Page is a way for creators with small projects to have sponsorships to help keep the page alive and maintained. The sponsor's logo is placed at the top of the page with a link to their site. "Sponsored by" or "Powered by" text before their link and after the page logo.

How does the sponsorship work?

When you sponsor a page, your logo and a link to your website will be displayed prominently on the sponsored page. The duration of the sponsorship is indicated in each listing.

What do I get as a sponsor?

As a sponsor, your brand will gain visibility to the page's audience. Your logo and link will be displayed at the top of the page, helping you attract more visitors to your site.

How long does a sponsorship last?

The duration of each sponsorship is specified in the listing. Most listings are for one month unless otherwise stated.

How can I create a listing for my page?

You can create a listing by clicking on the "Create Listing Now" button and following the payment process. Once your payment is confirmed, I'll contact you and manually list it.

How much does it cost to create a listing?

The cost to create a listing on Sponsor This Page is $5.

How can I contact support?

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact me on 𝕏